growin and changin.

Hi (:

Thank you for being here and reading the MuseLetter. It truly means so much to me when you read my musings, and it means even more when it resonates and makes you feel good in some way.

If you've been following along for a while you know that while I try to write a letter bi-weekly, sometimes I need more time. This time, the longer pause was due to my desire to change things up a bit when it comes to this newsletter, and how I share in general.

The majority of y'all know me through yoga in some way, shape or form. Whether it be through Yoga In The Park, the early days of my teaching career, or through the things I share on instagram, most know me in the context of yogic teaching and practice.

Yoga will always be at the forefront of my work, and very often my writing reflects some aspect of yoga, and/or my personal experience with my practice and its effects in my life. Yoga is my life's practice, and I believe sharing the practices of yoga with my community is a huge part of what I'm here to do.

And, I am a writer. Always have been. 


I've kept diaries and journals since I was a little girl. I've filled up dozens of composition books, spiral notebooks, fancy diaries, moleskins, and sticky notes throughout my life. Writing kept me sane. It helped me make sense of things. And, it had me tapping into my creative energy, consistently.

In school writing was what I enjoyed and was good at. I relished in the process of creating a piece of writing, playing with the boundaries of language, grammar, and formatting to create something unique. I've always loved both the practice of free-writing for the sake of self-expression, and the craft of creating art through the medium of writing.

At 21 I began my yoga teaching career, and for most of my twenties yoga was at the center of my universe. Somewhere along the way, I gave all my creative energy to my work and practice, and stopped nurturing my artistry.

I kept my skills somewhat sharp though, through journaling and social media captions over those years, as well as writing copy for small businesses. 

But a couple of years ago, I created the MuseLetter. 
In other words I decided to take my mailing list and turn it into a bi-weekly letter where I shared pretty much anything I want; just my general musings about life, love, and practice. And I've enjoyed the space to share my writing a little more openly.

And, in addition to the MuseLetter, I've been working on some writing behind the scenes, that *hopefully soon* I will be sharing publicly.

I say all of this to say!!...

This is my way of sharing that the MuseLetter, as well as my social media presence, is going to be a little more focused on my writing.
Yoga will still be there, but I want my writing to take up a little more space in my life. I want to get a little more vulnerable in sharing my creativity, and expand what I have to offer through my work.

Behind the scenes I've been writing about love. Its role in my life. Its role in my past and present. I've been writing about my journey as a woman who really loves. 

A woman who not only really loves people, but love itself. Loving, as a way of being and seeing the world.

I'm ready to share more of my musings on the matter.

I'm grateful for this space where I'm able to share my writing, and grateful for those of you who've been reading, sharing your thoughts, and growing and evolving with me.

Changing as a person, and artist, is vulnerable and scary but when I feel called to expand, I try my best to do so. And I'm really looking forward to continuing the journey with y'all.

So be on the lookout for the next MuseLetter, coming v soon (on vday 💞).

Sending you love,


give your heart is flowers